Saturday, December 22, 2012

Angry Young Indian

These days I am worried and restless. It is not because I have developed any mental illness. I go through the newspaper, more I read, more I feel the tightened grip of fear and dejection. I don’t know why I feel uneasy. But, a self-intervention helped me clear the smoke screen. It appears I am least bothered about events around me. I prefer to play a mere onlooker than act, unless I see an incentive to act. Just like you. You know it. If two people get into an altercation, I won’t offer to strike peace, instead, I wish I could pull in a chair and watch the high drama unfold… live. Ahh… that’s why we love Big Boss so much! I am a voyeur, just like you. Hang on. There’s some serious stuff coming. Corruption. Someone tries to introduce a change (Lokpal) to our system for my betterment; I don’t pay attention to it, rather I choose not to because I am careless. To add to that we have these so called “intellectuals” who work day & night on government payrolls in media debating it’s benefits to me, trying to confuse me. Sadly, I am gullible enough to fall prey to their arguments (i.e. traps) Where is my Lokpal?

Though not fresh in my memory, I bear terror attacks almost every year now, as if it has quietly transformed into an annual event, with unpredictable dates. Government hates to take strict actions, the most it does is stop talking and playing sports with our neighbour. We capture terrorists and feed them until their execution can be capitalized for damage control or win over some votes. The government is unable to think beyond that because most of their time and energy is channelized to loot the national treasure. On the other hand, to appease me, I am labeled a resilient for silently tolerating these attacks. During my school days, a fellow mate used to bash me during recess, every day, but I never retorted. May be I was resilient! Really? Actually it’s not my resilience but I am ignorant. The worst part is I know all this. I am a stupid, just like you.

The real Dirty Picture took place in the capital last week, a young girl is brutally victimized in broad daylight, no one helped her, worse is the role played by the police. I see the public outrage, sadly it isn’t going to change me either because I am shameless, just like you. I forget too early, I suffer from amnesia. Do you remember A Raja, Kalmadi? My anger no longer boils when I hear their name. Do you remember Manu Sharma, DGP Rathore’s smile? I forgot them long back, because I am hapless. People are swiftly arrested for cartoons, tweets, comments and likes, but police takes more time to arrest rapists, murderers and looters. I am angry and frustrated at all this, just like you.

We have scams launched like new products, each one promises to be bigger, murkier and uglier than the earlier one. To name a few, 2G, CWG, JijaG (starring Mr. Raaabert) and Coal-G, we must have Incredible India ads running showcasing the amount of money swindled in these scams. It would be a hot USP! The government is trying to mold our democracy towards a government of the family, by the people, but for the family & their friends. Wow, it’s really Incredible India. A chief minister says Rs600 per month is enough to feed a family of five, probably we need to ask her to disclose her grocery shop address. I don’t want to talk about inflation anymore, I’ll go into depression. It takes a lot to survive when you are surrounded by so much negativity. But still I won’t change, because I am just like you, a stupid common man, coincidently an Indian and proud too. For what? Of course, for all above achievements!

Right from my childhood I hear “Yeah public hai, yeh sab jaanti hai”. It is correct, I am the public, I know everything but what do I do? I promise, may many scams, corruption, scandals, uncover but I pledge I will still elect the same chaps, because I love it. I love to vent this anguish and despair. I love to keep doing it over and over again, just like you. It is what makes me a proud Indian. I am angry yet careless, resolute yet inactive, cynical yet proud. Yes a proud Indian. Really? Think over it again.

I know after reading this too you won’t give a damn about it, because after all you too are still a “proud” Indian, just like me.


  1. Good article Manoj, it force to remember the activitites happening around and we are not giving attenntion towards that, we can give many excuses like heavy work load, project work, no time .......

    If young inidans didnt wake up early then it will not change, it will take time of 3 Generations, after young inidan wake, to change the things.

    1. Hi Datta,
      Thank you for reading my work and leaving a comment on it. You are correct. I think today's youth is behaving more like a consumer than a citizen. May how much more we try to earn, inflation will eat it away, bad governance will nullify it. We need to start acting on it soon.

  2. What you wrote is true and appealing. the solution which I can think of right now is involvement of youth in current politics and eradication of dynastic politics. Aam Aadmi Party is worth giving a shot.

    foremost a bill to abolish regional parties. Bi party system will suit us.

    1. Hi Rohit,

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Youth should show active interest in understanding our national politics let alone their involvement in politics. Dynasty politics is surely hurting more than benefiting. I agree Aam aadmi Party is definitely worth a try. A change brings in a change. Though I may contend your argument for BiParty system, India is a vast country with various people from various backgrounds. We need more than 2-3 parties to avoid a situation where they have a tacit understanding between themselves to loot the country.
